For detailed information about pricing please send me an email and explain exactly what type of shoot you have in mind. The prices list below may vary. Thanks so much.
1 look .......................................................$250
2 looks......................................................$350
3 looks......................................................$400
4 looks......................................................$450
Includes proofs* and 2 HI RES/edited images from each look.
$20 per additional HI RES/edited image.
(MUA not included in pricing)
Outdoor session..............................................$700
(morning or afternoon)
Outdoor session includes proofs* and 10 HI-RES/edited images. Outdoor session usually last up to 3 hours.
Depending on location, prices may vary.
Out of OC/LA counties, please email for travel expenses. We reserve 2 days, just in case it rains.
(HMU not included in pricing)
If you would like to use my HMU artist, it would be an additional $250. She will be present the entire shoot, ready to change hair and make up, as desired.
1 hour event..................................................$200
2 hours...........................................................$400
3 hours...........................................................$600
4 hours...........................................................$800
*All images have the word PROOF (unedited) across them.
A deposit of 25% of the total cost
is required to lock down the date for all booked sessions.